Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • F. Seyfert was invited to give a talk at the department "Optimization and System Theory" of KTH University (Stockholm, Sweden), on "Generalized Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on the boundary"

  • J. Leblond and D. Ponomarev gave communications at the 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES 2013), Tunis, June (http://www.lamsin.tn/waves13/ ). J. Leblond was invited to give a communication at the Workshop on Control and Observation of Nonlinear Control Systems with Application to Medicine (CONCSAM), Honolulu, Hawaii, Sept. (http://math.hawaii.edu/control2013/ ).

  • M. Olivi gave a talk at the SSSC 2013 conference in Grenoble (France) [25] and presented a poster at the ERNSI 2013 conference in Nancy (France).

  • E. Pozzi gave communications at the Spring School in Functional and Harmonic analysis and Operator theory, Lens (may), at the Workshop in Operator Theory, Harmonic and Complex Analysis, Lille (may), and at the seminar of the Lab. J.-A. Dieudonné, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  • L. Baratchart was an invited speaker at the workshop "Inverse Problems and Nonlinear Equations", May, Palaiseau. He was an invited speaker at the workshop "Frames and Bases in Banach Spaces of Holomorphic Functions”, October, Bordeaux. He was an invited speaker at the conference in honor of A.A. Gonchar, November, Steklov Institute, Moscow. He was a speaker at CMFT 2013 (Shantou, China). He was an invited speaker at the seminar in Guangzhou University (China), the University of Bordeaux (LMB)and of Grenoble (Laboratoire J. Kuntzmann). He was a visitor at the University of Macao, MIT, and the University of Cyprus.